Reflective Life Journey
- That Particle: When I saw myself flying in the deep atmosphere of Freedom;
- That Moment: When a thought inspired me to start a new Journey.
- That Day: When I performed the ceremony of entering myself into the World;
- That Step: When I suggested love to every relationship;
- Those Breaths: that become stronger after seeing the beauty of the World and singing the praises of happiness in the heart;
- That Awareness was welcoming the Materialistic life with a deep Smile, open Heart, pure Love, and independent existence. A calm storm was flowing from the eyes filled with moisture telling me -
'Go, Go, Go, Stupid, Go, take this beautiful World in your arms. And I was wondering where do I start.
My thinking did not give any answer. I started silently observing my thoughts. Time passed, and I grew Old- I did not even realize the moment at which the world and I became One.
The passage I've shared seems to be a reflection on various significant moments and experiences in someone's life. It appears to be a contemplation on personal growth, self-awareness, and the connection between the individual and the world around them. Let's break down the key points:
- Flying in the deep atmosphere of Freedom: This might symbolize a sense of liberation or personal freedom in life, perhaps a moment of self-discovery.
- A thought inspiring a new Journey: This suggests the power of inspiration and the beginning of a new chapter or adventure in life.
- Performing the ceremony of entering into the World: This could be a metaphor for birth, symbolizing the beginning of life.
- Suggesting love to every relationship: This reflects the idea of promoting love and positivity in all relationships, emphasizing the importance of love and connection.
- Breaths becoming stronger after seeing the beauty of the World: It highlights the beauty and wonder of the world and how it can rejuvenate and inspire an individual.
- Welcoming materialistic life with a deep Smile, open Heart, pure Love, and independent existence: This seems to signify a balanced approach to life, where one embraces materialism but still maintains a loving and independent attitude.
- Growing old without realizing when the world and I became One: This reflects on the passage of time and the gradual merging of oneself with the world, perhaps suggesting a deep sense of connection and unity with the universe.
Overall, this passage appears to be a poetic exploration of the journey of life, from moments of personal freedom and inspiration to the merging of oneself with the world as time passes. It emphasizes the importance of love, positivity, and self-awareness along the way.
चिंतनशील जीवन यात्रा
- वो कण : जब मैंने खुद को आज़ादी के गहरे मौहाल में उड़ते हुए देखा था;
- वो पल: जब मेरे में एक सोच ने प्रेरणा बनके नई यात्रा का आगाध करवाया था।
- वो दिन: जब मैंने खुद को संसार के भीतर प्रवेश करने की रश्म निभाई थी;
- वो कदम : जब मैंने हर रिश्तों को प्यार की सुगात दी थी;
- वो सांसें : जो संसार की सुंदरता को देखते देखते तेज़ होती और दिल पर ख़ुशी मलार का सुर अलापती;
- वो जागरूकती: जो भौतिकवादी जीवन का स्वागत गहरी मुस्कान, खुले हृदय, शुद्ध प्रेम और स्वतंत्र अस्तित्व के साथ कर रही थी। नमी से भरी आँखों में से एक ऐसा शांत तूफ़ान बह रहा था ,जो मेरे को कह रहा था कि -' जा, जा, जा, कमलिये चली जा, ले ले इस सुंदर बगीची को बाहों में। और मैं सोच रही थी कि मैं कहाँ से शुरू करूं ?
मेरी सोच ने कोई भी जवाब न दिया। मैं चुपचाप खुद की सोच को देखने लगी। कब वक़्त बीत गया और कब मेरे साल बूढ़े हो गए और मेरे को यह भी तो पता ही न चला कि किस पल संसार और मैं एक हो गए।