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How do you get a happy life?

What is cosmic energy?

It is a beautiful day today, and it is also bright and sunny. I want to share and speak to you about the experience I witnessed yesterday. I must share this particular experience with you because it is very important. It is Nature's law that Life offers you choices as to what you must do, whether you should travel eastward or westward etc. if I stopped writing and sharing my experiences with you all, then I am quite certain my life will come to an end.
Such are my experiences in life that I cannot remain silent. I have been writing for the last 15 years, and I have been talking and sharing my experiences only just recently.
Two days ago, I get to know that an individual is sick and that he is a medical doctor by profession. I wish to see him and speak to him, but I am told that he is unable to speak or communicate and that he is bedridden for the last two years. He can see and hear, so I was told.
I request that the doctor's photograph is sent to me so that I can assess him and his state of illness. Upon receiving the photograph, what I come to realize is that one blunder can potentially ruin and destroy one's life for good! A wrong action and unwarranted thought can change the direction of life completely and bring about destruction.
I decide to pay a visit to the doctor's house. The doctor's wife did not allow anyone to their house for the last two years. However, the moment I decided to meet up with the doctor, destiny paved its path for the meeting to take place. My affiliation and association is with the person and not the doctor, and it seemed to me as though a supernatural event had transpired with the doctor, and for reasons unknown, the doctor did not wish to leave or detach from this supernatural experience, and therefore he was trapped in no man's land between two worlds.
Since I have personally experienced such events in my life, it became all the more important and fascinating for me to meet the doctor in person. As I enter the house, the energy is unbelievably powerful. The immensity of the positive vibes had a very strong effect on my body, particularly my tongue. My entire body felt activated by the energetic force in the house except for my eyes.
If my eyes had become activated then, I would have penetrated the Sahasrara Chakra which is located on the top of the head. It is also known as the Thousand Petalled Lotus.
Due to the presence of the strong vibes and energy in the house, I could feel the power surge throughout my body, particularly in my head. I wanted to drive it away by shaking my head forcefully. I wanted to figure out whether it was lifegiving energy or the opposite. I asked the doctor's wife, 'Can he hear me?' She said, 'Yes he can hear.' Next, I observed the doctor's breath, and what I discerned is as follows - try to imagine a vast abyss into which water is flowing, and then due to sudden temperature change, the flowing water turns into hard ice. A small temperature rise once again causes the water to flow dropwise as the ice begins to melt slowly. This was the prognosis of the doctor's health at the time.
I then asked the doctor, 'Brother have you experienced a supernatural phenomenon?' The doctor looked directly at me, and I felt as though he acknowledged my presence and read me well. By seeing the doctor's health, I could only think of two possible reasons for his current situation, namely, him being stuck in a supernatural occurrence as mentioned previously and secondly, the doctor's photograph revealed to me that due to a blunder committed during his career as a heart surgeon, resulted in him inviting the calamity upon himself!
The question that comes to my mind now is, which of these two possibilities are applicable? Or are they both fitting and therefore responsible for the doctor's condition? Coming back to the energy in the house, I could tell that it is the looming energy of death. There are three different types of death energies, and if I were to explain these to you using numbers then they fall into three different percentage groupings, namely 3%, 7%, and 10% respectively.
The 10% energy field is associated with absolute sacredness and divinity as well as death which is very powerful and vengeful coupled with a curse. Akin to a form of retribution for having committed a foul sin in life. The 3% energy field is of natural death. The 7% energy is filled with prayers, sacredness, and disease. Whilst life can be good, it is equally scary also. It is associated with the ghostly matrix also known as the kingdom of the underworld.
Ayahuasca is a South American psychoactive brew used both socially and as ceremonial spiritual medicine among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin. It is a tree, that has been blessed with sanctimonious thoughts and prayers since time immemorial. Anyone who drinks a brew made from this tree undergoes supernatural spiritual experiences. Aeriana had decided to attend the camp and drink the brew. However, I was worried lest, unlike with the doctor's case, she too does not get stuck or trapped in the undesired sphere. If she got trapped, then it is quite likely that she would not be able to return.
I pray to the Almighty God that, Aeriana is hell-bent and desires to experience the effects of the brew. I continued praying that God let her have the experience but kindly send her back home safely. If You feel that she is not going to return, then I request You not to send her in the first place.
When Aeriana drinks the brew, she at once slips into the supernatural realm and gets trapped. She has a longstanding relationship with Angel the pet parrot from previous lifetimes. It is Angel that helps her become free from the terrifying entrapment. I shall disclose more about this event in the next coming vlogs and videos.
Anyways, Aeriana brings with her the brew for me to drink. I tried a spoonful of the brew. Generally, people drink a cup of the brew, and nothing drastic happens to them, but I experienced everything with just only a spoonful. I recollect that in the previous life I happen to be the Ayahuasca tree. I can vividly remember, how I drew the common nutrients from the earth's soil and assimilating grace from the surrounding space (sky). The tree is composed of bitter components as well as snake poison also.
Should a person be desirous of trying out the brew, then the person needs to have somebody nearby with the experience of having tasted, having drunk and understood the effects the brew can have on the person's psyche. Ravi insisted that he is interested in trying out the brew. Therefore, my presence around him is pertinent, because when I pray for Ravi, I will know what exactly is likely to happen to him experience-wise, and more importantly, what quantity of the brew should be given to Ravi.
It is a boon-filled tree that can allow a person to know his past life history and also the reason for any entrapment caused. A spoonful of the brew revealed to me my entire past life event in a trice!
Coming back to the doctor's health, it can be said that the actions we take in our lives determine our future life. The simplest way to define this is the Law Of Karma, which states, that every action you take will have an equal reaction. The Law Of Karma is NOT selective - it applies to everyone irrespective of status, age, race, etc.
With God's grace, I was presented with 4-5 incidences that allowed me to discern and thereby understand the blunders made by the doctor. It is my wish to perform good deeds in life. Suppose I hurt Ravi through my actions, either physically or verbally, then and turned Ravi's otherwise pleasant life topsy-turvy into nothing short of hell, then do you expect me to get away with this heinous deed scotfree? Will I not be punished for this act of injustice and brutality? is that at all possible? The Law Of Karma is NOT partial - it is a just LAW. Whatever your deeds, they will bear fruit in time to come be it good or bad!
LIFE is intrinsically PURE, BLANK, and UNBLEMISHED. It is like a clean sheet of white paper. Whatever that gets written on this white piece of paper will inevitably bring results in the form of a reward or a punishment - this is a fact inescapable without reprieve rest assured. Anybody who claims to say that you can wash away your bad Karmic actions, then s/he is very wrong.
Being vigilant with your actions is a MUST step in LIFE if you wish to avoid reprisal as far as the Law OF Karma is concerned. Hence I continuously emphasize the word UNDERSTANDING. It is a word that needs to be rooted in our systems before performing any ACTION. If you are alert mind-body-spirit, then there is a remote chance of you making a blunder in LIFE that may be very costly.
The one who has understood the ESSENCE and MEANING of LIFE will cross the ocean of SAMSARA once and for GOOD! It does NOT matter if you are a Sage, Saint, Pir, Paighambar, Sadhu, or even a doctor your wicked deeds will catch up with time this is the LAW OF LIFE.
The doctor's wife told me that, her husband would not even harm a fly, and he was adored by all the staff members at the hospital. I am aware of the blunder made by the doctor. Though it is not clear at this juncture in time, nevertheless, I am certain that within a few days or so, I will come to know and understand the deeds performed by the doctor and the reason behind his illness. When the matter is clear, I shall share the same with you and the doctor's wife also.
Indirectly I am insinuating the above case, and I know that those among you who are sharp and wise will easily comprehend my message today through this video. A prayer is a potent tool that can help us get some relief from our wrongdoings.


Life is God experiencing Self

Thank you to Nature for the feelings she gave me,  the trees, mountains,  her many lakes and oceans,  for the sun sets of color,  the clouds that dance in the sky,  for everything she gives wanting nothing  but love in return!!! Thanks You to The world:  For all the good and bad people  I have encountered along the road,  for the lessons you taught me, even if they where bad,  it was still a good lesson to be learned  and for this I thank you... Blessings!!!

I experience myself as the conscious

'There is no "I" but I.' 'Then is there no "you" but you?' 'I, always I,' 'Gives me to think, I will meditate upon it.' 'Do nothing of the kind!'  'To "meditate" means using split-mind:  just look from within and see  - see  that so it Is!  Stop splitting and stay Whole!' Whatever we may be, we are being 'lived'.  We are not traveling, as we think:  we are being 'travelled'.

What a Spring in my life!

When I am absent there is no Time,  and it is always the present   Today: I will walk through the day with spring in my step,  a smile in my body  and  I will have nothing to say about my healthy life,  wow!  I will enjoy the aroma of nature,  and  the flowering from the inside of me  to the outside of me! Will we go through our day today smiling?

Everything is related to everything else ( We are one )

I will enjoy the travels of my free spirit  and the amazing journeys within my Feelings.  I will wake up fresh,  clear and ready to journey  through the seconds of my life  in my well rested physical body!!!  It always amazes me  how I am all one Mentally,  physically,  emotionally  and spiritually  when I awaken!  Wow!  What a beautiful Journey  and  its Beauty

It is amazing how Infinite we are

When I wake up early and go for a walk early  enough to see the sunrise,  if I keep still and watch for a few minutes  I can actually enter in the moment of this movement.  In all my experience,  I become just Energetic aware that I am here,  standing at this special moment on the surface of this special spot;  and  this spot is going, going for away toward the stars  but very close to me,  then  galaxy, more stars,  more wonderful  - unique and amazing colors  then more universe, more and more billions miles away,  like before Jesus- before birth of this planet,  but close, more close, In me -  in myself.  And  this very moment experiencing the whole universe along with me,  in me  while I feel I am infinite  and  I am beyond the universe

Spend life with who makes you happy ( The real artist ) I will prepare and one day I have a chance...  because of my 'Strong -Courage'  and  'Aroma of my Trust'...  Because my life knows that Courage  and  Trust is the commitment to begin  without any guarantee of success BLESSINGS!!! Every morning we are born again: Every time Shaheer wake up a new her arrives with the new moment This moment: 'She is different than she was yesterday' The time is new because of her feeling, The day is new because of her thinking, The moment is new because of her experience and She is new because of this whole life. Every moment she change, her world changes and she is reborn into what she choose to be in this moment. She is creating her moments today with new clarity, new thought and new meaning.

God is the Source of the intelligent universe Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 1 * Understanding comes when we, you and I, meet on the same level at the same time. Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 2 When love starts with me, and is given to me freely by me, it sure is easy to remember that it is me that is making memories for me. Life is for living, learning and making memories to create a good day, moment by wonderful moment! * Our thirst is Our guru My preceptor is my thirst, my life, my holy and ascetic practices, and my circumstances. However, the...

Ceremony (Who are you)

The Gift: Life is a ceremony where we are here as friends and families to celebrate this occasion. Today’s accelerated moments which we gain from our advance technology has enabled us to travel through the universe, and strengthens our thirst of life.    I am fortunate enough to see and meet you all. The uniqueness of this celebration is that we ourselves are hosts and guests, So today we are meeting, with wishes of peace and happiness.  In this ceremony of life, my heart wished to present a gift. The gift should be of something which can bring hope of a happy life.    With     the grace of God, a pure thought was born which I am gifting today.   A new, unique and virgin view of point, with which we will encounter life.  Wise have said, “If our first step is placed with understanding then our destination becomes easier, and also our path, pleasant.” Paint your own portrait, then you will realize.How ...

Enjoy the beauty of a silence. (purity )

O, My Naughty Shaheer! First, I see you. You are always in My sight. And then I guide you lightly. Sometimes strongly. I hold a sword of love, and with this sword, I vanquish all ills that never belonged in your heart in the first place. I vanquish ill will. I vanquish all that which is opposed to love. Beloveds, in My Presence, what can you do but love? What barrier to love can exist when you are surrounded by My love, and you sink into My love. You float on a raft o f My love. Where else would you want to be? Where else is there for you to be? There is nowhere else but right here right now with Me. Do not bow. Jump instead. God is with you. This is an occasion for joy. Be joy then and forevermore, for I am always with you, and you are always with Me. Oneness is Our lot! Oneness is Our fortune. Oneness is Our Reality. It is the only Reality that is. You and I are One Experience!!! Always Your from Heart, The Sprightliness