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Depth comes from feeling, not words

Depth comes from feeling, not words

Just like every flashing thing is not gold, just like that.
 No matter how good the words are, 
they do not necessarily have depth.

Whatever happens or gets revealed to us can be said to be a faultless occurrence. Reality and Truth are the same aspects of the one God. Whether a person's thought, feeling, circumstance, direction, or situation may seem and appear to be wrong, but the unfolding of life is beyond our understanding and grasp. It never fails us - we as human beings can fail because of our inadequacies and lack of understanding.
How can we prepare ourselves to gauge life? Both the mental and sensory organs have their limitations? Life is given to us so that we can live it and not busy ourselves accumulating material things. A thought to accomplish something in life will become self-limiting. Our innate capability is vast and endless, and in creation, we can either ruin our life or glorify it.
Life can appear to you in any form and grant you a timeless lesson. We are not fully prepared to face life, yet we traverse its path in blindness. You may follow any one of these paths, a household, community, or even spiritual, but have you come across anybody claiming to have acquired happiness following these paths? We have neither understood nor appreciated life, yet we have continued walking blindly and in arrogance.
I realized quite early that to be happy in life, the need to pave my path was quite necessary. On the other hand, if I followed the religious paths available to me, then it would have taken me forever to arrive at happiness. It is the road less travelled that makes all the difference. However, if you take the road that is pleasing to the eyes, rest assured it will not give you what you have set out to search. The road will be perfect and pleasant in every way, but it will be bland and meaningless and it will provide you nothing concrete and useful.
It is the road less travelled, which is dusty and muddy and has yet to be traversed that will offer you with the benediction of what you have earnestly set out to acquire. Your search will not go in vain, because the road less travelled is within your very BE-ing.
I used to frequent the Gurudwara often. It was Mother's Day, and there must have been around 250 - 350 senior citizens present. It was Tuesday, and everybody usually gathered at around 10.00 am. This incident took place approximately 6 to 7 years ago. The women had gathered to pray for their children's longevity.
It is apparent, that words are very potent, and how we use them makes all the difference. How the words are uttered is most important, as it depends on feelings and emotions. Anyway, I notice around fifteen women asking God fervently, 'Oh God, it is Mother's Day today, and we pray that You bestow Your blessing upon our children. We ask that You bless our children so that they face no problems in life while we are alive.'
I have let life rob me of everything until the presence of complete emptiness overwhelmed my inner BE-ing. Worldly human beings think otherwise, and make provisions such that life does not rob them. Yet some, are kin to rob others in broad daylight! The satisfaction that one gets from being robbed is in no way comparable to that of ruthlessly robbing others.
Anyway, The ladies turned to me and asked me to pray and make a wish, so this is what I asked, 'Oh God, I pray to You that my children suffer in life in my very presence while I am still alive.' However, the day I die, I want their lives to be filled with much happiness, joy, and laughter from there onwards and beyond.
As I finished praying, both the men and women alike, stared at me, and yelled at me saying, 'Have you lost your mind?'
'I may have lost my mind, but I am certainly not selfish!' I exclaimed.
'How can you say that we are selfish?' they asked me.
My reply to them was, 'You have asked God to bestow His blessing on your children while you are still alive. This means, that following your death, God can impose suffering on your children. If parents become so selfish, then what will become of their children? A child's foundation is strengthened by the mother's selfless love and willpower. If a mother is steadfast in her commitment, then nobody can ever break her resolve and that of her child's safety.
A mother desires that her child prospers in life, and that he achieves all-around success and happiness, and that nothing unforeseen affects the child's future even if it means, that she is no longer alive.
Life assumes its beauty by your dynamism. There is no need to react to any situation in life, but rather to act and respond wisely. You must garner strong willpower, such that no situation in life can throw you off balance. When both your senses and your passions work in synch, you will begin to appreciate life fully. Negative emotions like anger will not disturb your mind-body complex.
The need to awaken yourself in life is a must. It will allow you to connect with the Oneness of life, in every sense of the word, and you will feel the interconnectedness and the inherent goodness of all beings.
Coming back to the discussion I was having with the women at the Gurudwara, my response did not go down well. The women stopped talking to me for 3-4 weeks.
What is Satsang (Holy association)? It means a sacred gathering to learn about the truth within (Satya). Before considering any relationship it is important to know and appreciate the person human being) first and foremost. I hope that you will kindly accept this presentation as a Mother's Day gift from me and keep in mind the importance of a relationship in life. Thank you very much, and may God Bless you all.


Life is God experiencing Self

Thank you to Nature for the feelings she gave me,  the trees, mountains,  her many lakes and oceans,  for the sun sets of color,  the clouds that dance in the sky,  for everything she gives wanting nothing  but love in return!!! Thanks You to The world:  For all the good and bad people  I have encountered along the road,  for the lessons you taught me, even if they where bad,  it was still a good lesson to be learned  and for this I thank you... Blessings!!!

I experience myself as the conscious

'There is no "I" but I.' 'Then is there no "you" but you?' 'I, always I,' 'Gives me to think, I will meditate upon it.' 'Do nothing of the kind!'  'To "meditate" means using split-mind:  just look from within and see  - see  that so it Is!  Stop splitting and stay Whole!' Whatever we may be, we are being 'lived'.  We are not traveling, as we think:  we are being 'travelled'.

What a Spring in my life!

When I am absent there is no Time,  and it is always the present   Today: I will walk through the day with spring in my step,  a smile in my body  and  I will have nothing to say about my healthy life,  wow!  I will enjoy the aroma of nature,  and  the flowering from the inside of me  to the outside of me! Will we go through our day today smiling?

Everything is related to everything else ( We are one )

I will enjoy the travels of my free spirit  and the amazing journeys within my Feelings.  I will wake up fresh,  clear and ready to journey  through the seconds of my life  in my well rested physical body!!!  It always amazes me  how I am all one Mentally,  physically,  emotionally  and spiritually  when I awaken!  Wow!  What a beautiful Journey  and  its Beauty

It is amazing how Infinite we are

When I wake up early and go for a walk early  enough to see the sunrise,  if I keep still and watch for a few minutes  I can actually enter in the moment of this movement.  In all my experience,  I become just Energetic aware that I am here,  standing at this special moment on the surface of this special spot;  and  this spot is going, going for away toward the stars  but very close to me,  then  galaxy, more stars,  more wonderful  - unique and amazing colors  then more universe, more and more billions miles away,  like before Jesus- before birth of this planet,  but close, more close, In me -  in myself.  And  this very moment experiencing the whole universe along with me,  in me  while I feel I am infinite  and  I am beyond the universe

Spend life with who makes you happy ( The real artist ) I will prepare and one day I have a chance...  because of my 'Strong -Courage'  and  'Aroma of my Trust'...  Because my life knows that Courage  and  Trust is the commitment to begin  without any guarantee of success BLESSINGS!!! Every morning we are born again: Every time Shaheer wake up a new her arrives with the new moment This moment: 'She is different than she was yesterday' The time is new because of her feeling, The day is new because of her thinking, The moment is new because of her experience and She is new because of this whole life. Every moment she change, her world changes and she is reborn into what she choose to be in this moment. She is creating her moments today with new clarity, new thought and new meaning.

God is the Source of the intelligent universe Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 1 * Understanding comes when we, you and I, meet on the same level at the same time. Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 2 When love starts with me, and is given to me freely by me, it sure is easy to remember that it is me that is making memories for me. Life is for living, learning and making memories to create a good day, moment by wonderful moment! * Our thirst is Our guru My preceptor is my thirst, my life, my holy and ascetic practices, and my circumstances. However, the...

Ceremony (Who are you)

The Gift: Life is a ceremony where we are here as friends and families to celebrate this occasion. Today’s accelerated moments which we gain from our advance technology has enabled us to travel through the universe, and strengthens our thirst of life.    I am fortunate enough to see and meet you all. The uniqueness of this celebration is that we ourselves are hosts and guests, So today we are meeting, with wishes of peace and happiness.  In this ceremony of life, my heart wished to present a gift. The gift should be of something which can bring hope of a happy life.    With     the grace of God, a pure thought was born which I am gifting today.   A new, unique and virgin view of point, with which we will encounter life.  Wise have said, “If our first step is placed with understanding then our destination becomes easier, and also our path, pleasant.” Paint your own portrait, then you will realize.How ...

Enjoy the beauty of a silence. (purity )

O, My Naughty Shaheer! First, I see you. You are always in My sight. And then I guide you lightly. Sometimes strongly. I hold a sword of love, and with this sword, I vanquish all ills that never belonged in your heart in the first place. I vanquish ill will. I vanquish all that which is opposed to love. Beloveds, in My Presence, what can you do but love? What barrier to love can exist when you are surrounded by My love, and you sink into My love. You float on a raft o f My love. Where else would you want to be? Where else is there for you to be? There is nowhere else but right here right now with Me. Do not bow. Jump instead. God is with you. This is an occasion for joy. Be joy then and forevermore, for I am always with you, and you are always with Me. Oneness is Our lot! Oneness is Our fortune. Oneness is Our Reality. It is the only Reality that is. You and I are One Experience!!! Always Your from Heart, The Sprightliness