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Showing posts from April, 2021

seven steps

Those seven steps Those seven experiences that changed the direction along with my condition. वो सात अनुभव जो मेरी दशा के साथ दिशा को भी बदल गए।  It was at that moment that when I passed through it, I came to recognize the era. वो पल ही ऐसा था कि जब मैं उस में से गुज़री तो युग की अदा पहचान गई।  That thinking was such that when that 'thought' came, it changed the direction of life itself. वो सोच ही कुछ ऐसी थी कि जब वो 'सोच' आई तो जीवन की दिशा को ही बदल कर चली गई।  That breath was such that when that 'breath' came, it was identified with the entirety of life. वो सांस ही कुछ ऐसी थी कि जब वो 'सांस' आई तो जीवन की सम्पूर्णता से पहचान करवा गई। That first step was such that it had the same comfort as 'Destination'. वो पहला कदम ही ऐसा था, जिस में मंज़िल जैसा ही आराम था।  Seeing myself was something that I felt shy from myself. मेरा खुद को देखना ही कुछ ऐसा था कि मैं खुद से ही शर्माने लगी। I knew the 'confluence of death and life' when I was lost in...

What is Enlightenment?

  What is Enlightenment? Just as a particle explosion produces an atomic bomb,  a moment explosion produces enlightenment. We must live ‘Life’ in the Present moment. What does it mean by living in the Present moment? In order to explain this, I will proceed by using the example of an atom bomb. The, immense explosive power of an atom bomb results from the sudden release of energy upon the splitting, or fission, of the nuclei (or a particle called ‘kan’ in Hindi language). Using this analogy by replacing a particle with moment (‘pal’ in Hindi) or the present ‘Now’ will better help you understand the essence of this post. What I am about to explain to you is quite astonishing, the fact is that I have very little understanding of algebraic concepts, yet in very deep contemplative silence, I am able to comprehend the science behind the explosive power of an atom bomb with much ease including the scientific work, research and contribution by Einstein. The splitting of a particle a...

Natural death?

Our life is such a state, in which we are all living by drinking poison. Whether we are good or we are bad; Whether we are right or we are wrong; All of us have lost your life. In this state, we all commit suicide. Whether to commit suicide slowly or do it quickly. There are very few who die a natural death. Now the question will come in you, to whom do you call natural death? A natural death is an accident in this life, when we ourselves are filled with the desire to depart from life at our own will, the desire that comes from us in happiness and comfort not in pain.

A Beautiful State of life

Our life is a beautiful state, in which everything good and bad happens. Our thoughts and feelings are the roads of this state. Our desires are just like our local train. Our 'motive' becomes our 'highway'. Then we easily reach the destination without hindrance. Meaning that it is important to have a purpose in life

Melody of our reality

We are the king in this state of our life and we are the public. When we dismiss this position in our own court, our human dimension starts from that point and from that moment itself. In this dimension, only the melody of our reality is chanted to the right song, only to the tune of the need.

My Awakening

Mother said- act wisely The father said - I am worried about you There is no difference between the two  So i just started loving --- Mother said- Is the daughter like this?  The father said - daughter is like this  I have never learned to see anyone in any relationship, I only saw '5 Tattas',  So how would I see the relationship, religion or color? - Mother said - think of yourself The father said - think of all  What is the difference?  Nothing  When I looked at the lives of both of them, I stopped thinking What was the result? When I stopped thinking, my life flowed between me and you and I went on living every moment.

Who am I

I have a small identity of who I am, which I have written with spirit When the questions raised in me took me to the ground of silence - I did not know; Then when my questions sprouted - I did not even know this; Then when thousands of experiences bloomed in me - I did not know; Then when my life was happy and I started dancing freely - I did not even know it. Today, when I saw that 40 years of my life had passed in that life - what the world calls 'spiritual life' - and I have always lived in it, then today my question keeps pointing fingers at these 40 years 'I spent this 40 years under what name and with what thought?' When my experiences gave me pin and paper in my hands - I did not even know. When today I have to give myself a name, then what name should I give, and whom should I name? Experiences gave me the art of writing, Experiences took birth from silence, And 40 years had passed. When today I feel that all this is what the world has called meditation...

Beauty always has one tone

There will be beauty here as well, but there will definitely be such a spirituality, which we will not yet know. Beauty means that rhythm; There is a tone in rhythm, a tone, a rhythm, a sound, so beauty means that this part or this thing is the melody of a single note. Whether it is thinking, feeling, experience, whatever it is - just having a rhythm is a proof that it reveals some law or the other. Beauty always has one tone