A look at technology from spirituality
We have never learned to see right. Today we live in the era of tachnology. Can we understand tachnology today. Never. When we have not yet understood ourselves, how can we understand this era?
One day he used to read the book and just repeat the word. Whether the book is religious or worldly - it doesn't matter. We never learned to read the book. So today we read a lot on the Internet, do we actually read? Or is it time away?
When we read something on a paper, there was a very deep secret in it, we did not understand it. Today when we read the words on iron and plastic, we still do not understand. Neither do we know to read nor do we understand the 'base' that we get. Those who understand are the same%, there is no difference in that also. The world can lose money from us, can take the wrong benefits of our qualities, but can never take away our qualities, our capable, our ascendant from us.
Today's technology era is explaining to us what is capable of our consciousness and capable of conscious form. What do you understand? How is this technology explaining to us?
God is an artist whose art is in every part of the universe,
not just in religious places.
The art of God is not just in religious terms. The art of God is all this world. All this universe is the house of God, which God has decorated by keeping it with art.
Today, God is making us encounter our consciousness with the same space of tachnology. Look at the image of the Internet carefully. Look at the phone carefully and understand that Chetan has 1% share. Life has been filled with art on one side. Which we call technology.
Today, if I talk about myself, what should I say, there is a supernatural atmosphere on every side, in which event happens every time. Every time there is a new color of life, new form, new thinking, new feeling, new experience, new understanding.
My body lives in the world, not me.
Today, like all of you, I am seeing a unique dimension of the Internet. The Internet, not my comfort, is a subject that I have to know and understand. It is a different thing that I have always seen every part of my life in righteousness. So I have to consider technology as my subject. What is space is an art of awakening humans. 'The real potential of the internet is related to this new flow of consciousness across the planet', just as silent space, in which our consciousness is the Internet, similarly this technology of today There is space and Internet is consciousness - the only understanding of this is that
Technology surrounds the world and our consciousness surrounds the ages.
A drop is the same as the sea