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Showing posts from January, 2021

Beautiful moment never goes out of life

 Today is not only a day, every moment of my life is a beautiful moment and I have been shining more from inside to outside. My thoughts and feelings are traveling with each other in this universe. Whatever I experience in my journey, how I was in condition and how I took action, or how an incident happens in front of me and what does it teach me, and how do I understand that this learning is right for me Is or is wrong. I share that experience with you all through Blogger, Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube. Because we are all just blessings for each other  blessings - आज का दिन ही नहीं, मेरे जीवन का हर पल  खूबसूरत पल है  और मैं भीतर से बाहर की और चमकती आ रही हूँ। मेरी सोचें और भावना एक दूसरे के साथ मिल कर इस ब्रह्मण्ड में यात्रा कर रही हैं।  मेरी इस यात्रा में जो भी मुझे अनुभव होता है कि कैसे मेरे हालत थे और कैसे मैंने एक्शन लिया, या फिर कैसे मेरे आगे एक घटना घटती है और वो मेरे को क्या सीख देती है, और मैंने कैसे समझती हूँ कि यह सीख मेरे लिए सही...

Experience gives wings to life

Who is that    Today: I see myself being born in every moment. Then I ask myself that who was born long ago, 'Who is that?'  A 'piece of meat' was born long ago, I was not.  I am still being born, every moment produces me. I have no hesitation in saying that Yuga has caused me. It is our 'I', it takes ages for it to be born. Every moment surprises me and introduces my precious beauty to me. The 'I' that I am living today gives me such lessons every moment that I can become who I am, I can become that person. And I understood that a person does not need to go anywhere to become a human being, life itself makes a human being what a human being has to be. - वोह कौन है  आज: मैं खुद को हर पल में पैदा होती देखती हूँ।  तो फिर खुद को सवाल करती हूँ कि कि जो बहुत पहले पैदा हुई थी, 'वोह कौन है ?'   बहुत पहले एक 'मांस का टुकड़ा' पैदा हुआ था, मैं नहीं थी।   मैं तो अभी भी पैदा ही हो रही हूँ, हर पल मेरे को पैदा करता है।  मेरे को यह कहने में झिझक न...

When understood, the senselessness was out!

Whenever we look at life from anywhere, it will seem to be the same, because the quality of life is the same. - जब भी हम जीवन को कहीं से भी गौर से देखेंगे तो जीवनधारा एक ही प्रतीत होगी,  क्योंकि जीवन का गुणरूप एक ही है  Our life is water, water remains good as long as it flows. हमारा जीवन पानी ही है,  पानी तब तक ही अच्छा रहता है, जब तक यह बहता रहता है।    Sanskrit music of culture with flowing water: The sounds of this culture along with the slow sound of flowing water always flow by creating moisture in my eyes and taking me to myself. When the moisture of my eyes flows from the particle of existence, it silently takes the mind into a thoughtlessness and unites with life. बहते पानी के साथ संस्कृति का संस्कृत संगीत:  बहते पानी की धीमी आवाज़ के साथ यह संस्कृति के सुर, मेरी आँखों में नमी पैदा करके सदा ही मुझे खुद के बहा में ले के बहते हैं। जब मेरी आँखों की नमी  वजूद के कण कण में से बहती है तो चुपचाप ही मन को निर्विचारता में ल...

Because i'm Worth It

Our life is a r a i n b o w , our experiences fill our lives with colors of art and decorate us with the tones of understanding I am rainbow of natural colors I am  r a i n b o w  of natural colors. Every thought of mine creates a color and every emotion of mine becomes a cloud for that. Whenever I look in the light, I see myself a  r a i n b o w  of feelings, which adorns my life path with colors. This perfect mixture of mine and nature gives rise to the question in me- 'Who gave birth to whom'? --- मैं कुदरती रंगों की  इंद्रधनुष  हूं।  मेरी हर सोच एक रंग को पैदा करती है और मेरी हर भावना  उस के लिए बादल  बन जाती है।  जब भी मैं प्रकीर्ति में से देखती हूँ तो मैं खुद को अहसासों की एक  इंद्रधनुष  देखती हूँ, जो मेरी जीवनमार्ग को रंगों से सजा देती है। मेरा और कुदरत का यह सही मिश्रण मेरे में सवाल को जन्म देता है- ' किस ने किस को जन्म दिया '? --- ਮੈਂ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਰੰਗਾਂ ਦਾ ਸਤਰੰਗੀ ਹਾਂ।  ਮੇਰਾ ਹਰ ਵਿਚਾਰ ਇਕ ਰੰਗ ਪੈਦਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਰੀ ਹਰ...

Good thinking and happy life

  Is there any such dimension? Life is an infinite form of infinity. The deepest mystery of this infinity is that the journey of this, whether of the era, but understanding also comes in the moment. Yesterday when I went to the Costco store, I saw the flowering trees in bloom, then the question arose, why does everything seem to me that the pace of life is very fast. Be it experienced in the moment or my everyday thinking: Every moment changes very fast. No attention to body. I see how my life is running away and I am sitting somewhere looking towards this runaway life.  I am neither tired nor sleepy, but I feel myself awake from the deepest and also feel very deep fitness.  A sound is falling silently in my ears behind this huge spread. Even though she is silent, she is silently giving a message that 'See where you are sitting' And I am sitting in a loss of life, from here I am looking at the embrace of life and death.  In front of me I am seeing both of them togeth...

Do not waste energy and bloom

 Have you ever seen your own thoughts blossom in yourself? When I saw thinking and feeling sprouting in itself, I saw the same feeling when a seed sprouted.  Then I realized that life is the same in every direction   The day I saw my thinking being born, after that day I always saw countless thoughts, feelings and experiences blossom in myself. I myself have become such a flower garden - in which every moment, thoughts and feelings like flowers start blooming,  - So how do I not feel refreshed?  - Then how do I not feel newness?  - Then how do I not feel well?  I began to see that my body has become a fertile land - in which every seed will sprout. Then I came to know that the real purpose of this body starts only when its sterility ceases completely. ***---*** मैंने खुद में ही जब सोच और भावना को अंकुर होते देखा  तो वोही अहसास एक बीज को अंकुर होते देखा, तो मिला।   तब जान गई  कि जीवन  हर दिशा में एक जैसा ही है   क्या...

Life is journey of feelings

 Life is journey of feelings  Life is not just travel, life is everything -  whatever is seen through life, life is the same. My feelings were the holy book for me, it is a holy book, there will always be a holy book! That is why I have lived with so much connection to everything and every part in my life. --- My life is my religious book. Whose first chapter became this world, which made the identification of both negative and positive true and real. Whose second chapter opened again, that is nature. Whatever was learned or understood from the world: whether it was really true and real, it was tested by nature. Whose third chapter is - 'I' Now I am reading this 'I', whose circle is space and whose length and width are infinite. Sometimes this chapter takes me to such a place, that I feel that the center of all this vast spread is 'I'. And what is this 'I'? Is it individual or group? Now I am  reading this paragraph. --- This universe is the real univers...

Rosary of experiences

Life is the garland of countless experiences,  served in a thread of understanding,  which further brightens the beauty of humanism. Rosary of experiences    Beautiful sky filled with amazing clouds, rising sun and hidden sun, the song of a bird in the morning and the sound of flowing water; Today when I was in the silent dimension, I had only one space, out of which when I looked at the world for a moment, I saw myself as a space for all this; Birds used to fly in me, water flowed in me, clouds of clouds were flying in me. It is neither my belief nor I have any illusion, I am living in it. To see and understand how I describe my own life, this is my action and my true description. Time Traveler Our conscious form is that which is actually the real 'time traveler'. Which has such power that it can move freely in both front and back directions. Whenever one of the layers of the era sits in the lap of any moment, that moment is such a moment, which shows itself to me b...

Person's race on beauty

Every person's journey begins with what the eye sees To make life beautiful,  a child has to first give a beautiful environment,  which we will give according to our own understanding,  from which the journey of life begins. My seeing: I noticed that as a relationship, friends go to all religious places, but the beautiful beauty never appeared in anyone, neither in thinking nor in behavior - it was my sight that tied my feet and I never Religion could not be adopted. When I started looking at myself, then I realized that it is necessary to believe in yourself before I believe anything; So it is important to see everything before sure. After that I got to deal with religious people, who used to show righteousness in debate. But there was no such thing seen anywhere in life, seeing whom one would like to be religious just like them. Not only saw Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, they also saw an atheist; Those who never lost in debate, but looking at my face, I understood...