My openness, simplified me.
When my openness felt that people think
I am insane,
then my openness put on a mask.
My simplicity named the mask toughness.
toughness became a rule;
Rules do apply unless their is discipline,
Because of toughness, my delicate

Now: toughness caused tension
but my openness always put me to easy
and relax.
This toughness from myself,
made me win,
however I always remained at the first step.
I see that nature's one virtue {Openness}
gave me a phd in happiness,
in which life became an artist
living became an art.
I see that nature's one virtue {Openness}
gave me a phd in happiness,
in which life became an artist
living became an art.
As I watch this art and artist,
Shaheer traveled to the nothingness dimension.
Shaheer traveled to the nothingness dimension.