The quality of being-ness in Sunyata is of being awake:
Bodhi, It is not that I am awake.
It is more like reality is awake.
Everything awakens to its own nature.
It is a sense of openness, brightness, naturalness.
My eyes are wide open, shiny.
My face shines with an inner light,
so does everything else.
A feeling of total presence,
of concreteness.
Everything shines
and is luminous,
yet stays just itself.
Bodhi, It is not that I am awake.
It is more like reality is awake.
Everything awakens to its own nature.
It is a sense of openness, brightness, naturalness.
My eyes are wide open, shiny.
My face shines with an inner light,
so does everything else.
A feeling of total presence,
of concreteness.
Everything shines
and is luminous,
yet stays just itself.