= A sense-impression in not more than two dimensions at a time.
If we analyse a concept what do we observe?
= Percepts in not more than two dimensions associated by a further process of the mind so that they are comprehended as three-dimensional objects
= Reality.
= Reality.
= : 'An inaccurate apprehension of Reality.'
= : How could it be effective?
=: That there is nothing to seek, and no means of seeking it. For it is already there, and it is all that there is anywhere at all.
=: Nothing need be done or can be done, for there is nothing to do and nothing with which to do anything.
= It is there. You have it. Look - instead of thinking about looking. Reality is in the act of looking, not in what your tridimensional consciousness thinks it has seen.
=: It is the Goose in the Bottle again. The answer, as you know, is, 'Look, it is out!'.