I am not interested in my own being, but the whole universal beings; because Shaheer loves Shaheer infinitely. The being is so inthirst that tear of ocean is not enough to diminish this thirst, ocean the whole ocean is required. Shaheer thought that she is already complete but universal Shaheer was incomplete. because world is omnipresent, and human being is the same. shaheer kept on dying while being alive. Shaheer became unknown Shaheer, but life kept on this journey.
I am not interested in my own being, but the whole universal beings; because Shaheer loves Shaheer infinitely. The being is so inthirst that tear of ocean is not enough to diminish this thirst, ocean the whole ocean is required. Shaheer thought that she is already complete but universal Shaheer was incomplete. because world is omnipresent, and human being is the same. shaheer kept on dying while being alive. Shaheer became unknown Shaheer, but life kept on this journey.