I lost my mind and heart,
I could not figure out Where the world of beauty
and love begins and where it ends.
But, Ae my shyness Life,
I always Love you!
in the early morning I walked to the track
as the sun infused with the horizon with pinks and reds.
In that beauty my being stood like a statue
and my heart spoke, 'wow'.
I felt a stillness- ' silence',
Deep peaceful atmosphere around me.
I just felt deep love my in being.
Then I allowed myself to be lost in creation's love,
I wondered at the very life's mystery.
I gave myself to love itself.
I walked the brave fully painful path of creation's love
with ecstasy and Moist being.
Then I realized that God comes to us through mystery.
To each of us God comes in our own way,
according to our nature and habits.
Again I realized the nature is my path
and the very nature 'creation' is my Guru,
because- for me,
God is visible in nature.