Then how could I become a Hindu, a Sikh or a Christian, while religion is the mark of distinction of person and not merely his words?
Then how could I tolerate to be called a Indian, american or a Canadian, while all are one?
Of course, a slight wave did arise and it became in the state of silence, a dedication, a devotion, an enthusiasm, a daring and firmness and it began to demand relief from every bondage.
— I got the understanding but learnt no modes of worship or penances, but life itself became synonymous with prayer and worship and veritable house of prayer.
— I got the knowledge but did not learn how to do prayer and worship. When my feelings became prayer and worship and my world became a temple I never knew.
— I got the knowledge but did not practise Yoga or enter its stages, when my existence took ‘Sunyas’ (the path of renunciation) I never knew, I can’t say when my feelings practised Yoga and when my sense of ‘I-ness’ took its seat, when my breaths became my meditation and I during my life time performed my final rites and became a denizen of this world, denizen I never knew.
My life did its Phd. of religion from the university of the universe. Nature became my guide and understanding became my direction, which wiped out all ignorance and entrusted to me that degree which lets us enter real life and with it my lost balance got restored.
Thus, my life is flowing on and I am watching that, “When life becomes our guide, we enjoy the process of living; when we get freedom from our own feelings, we get a perfect existence.”