The Quran
All existent beings are compounded of two things, darkness and light, The light belongs to the Invisible, and the darkness to the Sensible world; but the two are intimately connected, and the former exercises a paramount influence upon the latter.
2--When in answer to prayers the Divine influence; the stage called ’Ishk, Love.
3-- the next stage, called Seclusion
4--Occupying himself henceforward with contemplations and the investigations of those metaphysical theories concerning the nature, attribute ; then reaches next stage, which is that of Knowledge.
5--Now this assiduous contemplation of startling metaphysical theories is exceedingly attractive to an Oriental mind, and not unfrequently produces a state of mental excitement akin to the phenomena observed during the recent religious revivals. Such ecstatic state is considered a sure prognostication of direct illumination of the heart by God, and constitutes the next stage, Ecstasy.
6--During this stage he/she is supposed to receive a revelation of the true nature of the Godhead, and to have reached the stage called HakÃkat, or The Truth.
7--He/she is then said to proceed to the stage of Jam’ 7th stage, Union. or Wasl, direct Union with God.
0 --Further than this he cannot go, but pursues hisLast stage Extinction. habit of self-denial and contemplation until his death, which is, however, merely looked upon as a total reabsorption into the Deity, forming the consummation of his Journey, the last stage designated Faná, Extinction.